The craft fair is over and it went very well! As always, I was very surprised at which items sold and which did not. I can't even show you my best seller since I forgot to take a picture. Too bad -- they were really cute scented candle tins covered with designer paper and a flower made with the five petal flower punch and the in the spotlight hostess set. My mom and I made 12 and within the first 15 minutes of the show one customer purchased them all! Very cool!
This was my second biggest seller -- a little stamped baggie with a single -size coffee bag. Again, all 11 that we made went to a single customer.
I had a lot of fun making these because I got two use not one bu two of my retired coffee-related stamp sets. I sure do hope there is a new coffee themed set in the new catalog! I really missed not having a current one these last few months!

To make the coffee a little more festive I dressed up each package with some chocolate chip satin ribbon. I think these all looked yummy and I hope the recipients of these will think so too!
My dressed up peppermint patties sold very well and all but one of the covered Hershey bars were sold. Other items were not as popular, but I learned an important lesson -- at Christmas time it makes sense to make multiples of 12 of stocking stuffer-type items. so that people can buy enough to give to all of their co-workers, friends, etc. All of the items I made in larger batches sold well, while the 1 off unique pieces did not do as well. So next year I will know to make fewer designs and more of each kind!
Well, it's now time to move on to my next weekend project -- I must go shopping and prepare a dish for today's neighborhood Christmas Brunch. It's a lovely tradition on our street that each year one family hosts all the other neighbors for a potluck brunch. Last year we hosted, which was fun but exhausting, so I'm happy to be a guest at my next door neighbor's home this year. But I still do have to prepare my dish, so I will chat with you all tomorrow!
Glad your fair went well Diane!! I love that coffee bag or box you have there...I would of bought one of those,but you're kinda far,lol.
Lovely project !!!
love these !!!
These are darling boxes Diane. Where can I find this template? Thanks for sharing.
Sounds like you had good time with the craft fair. I love the box. Do you have the pattern? Or is it a template one can purchase.
Janis L U
Sorry ladies -- I do not have a template nor did I purchase one. I bought these boxes at a dollar tree about a year and a half ago. the package of 12 was $1.00. They may still be available there -- I haven't looked lately.
On the Su demo website in the show-and tell section there is a pattern library and the pattern for box number 18 is similar, except these were more square and the handles were incorporated into the front and back sides, rather than attached separately.
Hope that helps.
Thanks for sharing! I've often thought of doing a similar event, but since I didn't have any idea of what would sell, this is great information. I may try doing this one day.
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