I got an e-mail today from Marie asking what my secret was to tying a knot around a corner of a card. I thought about trying to answer her in an e-mail, but this really is more of a visual trick so I thought I would do a tutorial instead.
And before I start I want to thank Meg Shumaker (aka WAXYO on SCS) for sharing this wonderful tip with all Stampin' Up! demonstrators in the On Stage magazine last winter. As some of you already know, Meg is my stamping hero, not the least because of this little trick, which saved me hours of aggravation (without this technique I'm an absolutely horrible knot maker!)!
For this cheater technique you need two lengths of ribbon. One needs to be about 2 inches longer than the length of the area you want to wrap it around. the other can be shorter but long enough to form the knot ends when folded in half.The first step is to take the longer cut of ribbon ad tie it into a simple loose knot. Try to make it as pretty as you can with both edges "curling" towards the knot. Do not tighten the knot!

Trim the faux knot ends with snips until they are both the desired length. You are left with a nice smooth knot and ribbon that lays perfectly across your card front.
This is a beautiful card and I had wondered how you kept that ribbon in place! Thanks for sharing this tip, I don't recall it in my On Stage, perhaps I should start reading a little more. ;D
Thanks for the tute!!!
Thank you for the tutorial I need all the help I can get for bows !!! lol
This is great. I missed that in on stage. Thanks.
Thanks for posting that - I am SO lousy at tying bows and now I don't have to anymore!
Had always wondered how I could tie a nice bow with the wider ribbon since I'm ribbon tying challenged. Now I know! This is such an easy technique!! The pictures certainly helped too. Thanks for posting.
Gee thanks Diane!! That's a beautiful bow,I'm keeping the tutorial until I have it down path!
Thanks a bunch!!
Ooooooh, neat-o! Thanks so much for sharing, Diane! I think this has to be the best method for tying those extra wide ribbons.
Speaking of Meg, as you know, I stalk her (SCS) gallery regularly. She hasn't posted much there, lately. I know she lives in IL... do you correspond with her at all? Do you know if she's OK? If you do, please tell her that her "fans" are wonderin' what she's up to. I miss her stuff! *sniffsniff* LOL :)
Thanks for this tutorial, Diane. This is super! I can't wait to give it a try. I may just CASE your card too so I don't have to come up with an original idea, LOL ;)
postively brilliant! :)
I know I'm late to the game but I just found this and can't wait to try it out. :)
please can I get a version to print out?
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